Altova MobileTogether Designer

New Features

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Version 10.0


External barcode scanners

Barcodes can be scanned by external barcode scanners (Zebra, Zebra Mobile Computer, and Datalogic) and passed to a MobileTogether solution. See the topic Barcode Scanners for an overview of how barcode scanners work with MobileTogether and how to design your solutions for barcode scanners.


The following design components have been added to enable the Barcode Scanner feature:

Actions to connect/disconnect and configure the different scanners: Zebra Connect/Disconnect, Zebra Configure, Zebra Mobile Computer Connect/Disconnect, Zebra Mobile Computer Configure, Datalogic Connect/Disconnect, and Datalogic Configure.

Global variables that provide information about MT-client device functionality related to barcode scanning: $MT_BluetoothAvailable, $MT_BluetoothLEAvailable, $MT_ZebraMobileComputerAvailable, and $MT_DatalogicScannerAvailable.

MobileTogether extension XPath functions to provide functionality for the barcode-scanning mechanism: mt-bluetooth-started(), mt-zebra-scanner-connected(), mt-zebra-scanner-id().

Page source trees to store the scanner data and barcode data received from the respective scanners: $MT_ZEBRASCANNER, $MT_ZEBRAMOBILECOMPUTER, $MT_DATALOGICSCANNER.

Actions for barcode scanner events. The OnDataReceived event enables you to define what actions to execute when barcode-scanned data is received in the solution. For Zebra scanners, actions can be defined for two additional events: OnConnectionEstablished and OnConnectionTerminated. The Actions dialog for these events is accessed via the project property Barcode Scanner Actions.

Simulations now include options for simulating barcode scans. Default settings for some of these options can be set in the Simulation 1 tab of the Options tab..




Designers can save embedded images to a file via the context menu of the Image control. For details, see the Embed Image property of the Image control.

To have the dropdown list of a combo box open automatically when the user tabs to it, set the Browser CSS Class property of the combo box to a value of mt-combo-open-on-focus. To apply the behavior to multiple combo boxes, this property value can be set on a Table or Page that contains combo boxes.

A control's Control Variables are defined for individual controls and are evaluated when the control is called. Control variables provide more flexibility to set values according to the context of a specific control.

The context menu of a Placeholder Control now contains the Replace Placeholder with Template Content command. On selecting the command, the design components of the placeholder's related control template will replace the placeholder.

The new HTML Label control enables the formatting of text in the control to vary. The text of the control is a string marked up with HTML markup. On client devices, the text is formatted according to the HTML markup.




Support for the following additional databases: MySQL 8.2 and 8.3, PostgreSQL 16, MariaDB 11.2, SQLite 3.45. See the topic Databases for the full list of supported databases.




The Styles Inspector can be opened during simulations to provide an overview of the computed styles of the controls of the current page.

To cover the case of solutions on servers that are behind proxy or reverse proxy servers, the extension function mt-client-ip-address() has been enhanced to return the value of relevant HTTP headers if such a header is present in the HTTP request. Otherwise the client's IP address is returned.

The Files Pane has been enhanced: multiple deployable files can be selected for addition to a project and the option to deploy or not has been simplified.

In Design View, the context menu of design components has been extended to provide options for deploying files and embedding images.

The command List Unused Functions, User Variables, StyleSheets, Action Groups has been extended to also list unused localized strings.


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