Altova MobileTogether Designer

The Assertion Message control displays the assertion message of the first invalid assertion of the page. An Assertion is a property of a page and of some—not all—controls. It specifies a certain condition (for example that a node may not be empty). If the Assertion property's condition is not met, the assertion is invalid, and the Assertion Message property associated with that Assertion property is displayed in the Assertion Message control.


An Assertion Message control can be placed anywhere in the design. It will always display the Assertion Message property text that is associated with the first invalid assertion on the page. If there are multiple invalid assertions on a page, then the assertion message of the first invalid assertion (in the sequence in which assertions appear on the page) is displayed. The Assertion Message control should therefore be inserted only once on a page. If multiple Assertion Message controls are placed in the design, they will all display the same assertion message (that of the first invalid assertion).


Assertions and assertion messages work as follows:


The Assertion property of a control or page sets a condition to be met in order for the assertion to be valid. The assertion's condition is specified with an XPath expression.

If the assertion is invalid, then the text of the control's Assertion Message property is displayed in the Assertion Message control.


For example: The XPath expression LastName != "" in the Assertion property of a control asserts that the node LastName must not be empty. If this node is empty, then the control's assertion message is displayed in the page at the point where the Assertion Message control is inserted.



Assertion Message events

There is no event associated with the Assertion Message control.


Assertion Message properties

The control's properties are available in the Styles & Properties Pane, and are listed below in the order in which they appear.



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