Altova MobileTogether Designer

A page design (screenshot below) consists of page controls—such as combo boxes, tables, and images—that are laid out and formatted exactly as the end user will see the page. Controls are dragged into the design from the Controls Pane. After a control has been placed in the design, you can do the following:


Controls can be linked to page source nodes (available in the Page Sources Pane) so that data from these nodes can be displayed in the design and processed. Typically, an association between a control and a page source node is defined by dragging a node from its source tree (in the Page Sources Pane) onto the control. A node association of this type is called the page source link of the control.

Set control actions: Control actions determine the functionality to be executed when a control-related event is triggered (for example, when a button is clicked). You define control actions by right-clicking a control, and selecting Control Actions. Control actions are described in the section Actions.

Set control properties: The properties of a control define the control's appearance (including position). Consequently, a control's properties also define the appearance of the page. To set a control's properties, select the control and set its properties in the Styles & Properties Pane. Each control's properties are described in the sub-section of this section.




List of controls

Given below is a list of available controls, arranged alphabetically, together with a screenshot showing different controls..



Context menu

Each control in the page design has a context menu. The following control-related commands are common to most context menus.



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