Altova MobileTogether Designer

List Unused Functions, Variables, Etc

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Returns a list, in the Listings Pane, of all the unused XPath/XQuery functions, user variables, page sources, pages, style sheets, localized strings, and action groups that are defined in the project. This is useful if you wish to review these user-defined components that are not in use and clean up the project. Clicking the links in the listing takes you directly to the respective definition.


Unused localized strings

A used localized string is one that is submitted as an argument of the mt-load-string function.


An unused localized string, on the other hand, is one that is not used with the mt-load-string function, either directly or indirectly.


Without any potential usage: The string name is not used as the argument of the mt-load-string function.

With potential usage: The string name is used indirectly in an XPath expression involving the mt-load-string function. For example:

let $v := 'UnusedStringName' return mt-load-string($v)

let $v := 'UnusedStringName' return $v => mt-load-string()

'UsedStringName' => mt-load-string() || 'UnusedStringName'


In the last example above, although UnusedStringName is not submitted to mt-load-string(), it is listed with potential usage.


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