Altova MobileTogether Designer


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This section provides an overview of MobileTogether and MobileTogether Designer. It contains the following sections:


MobileTogether Overview

Terminology Q&A

Design Steps

Accessing Client Device Functionality

XPath in MobileTogether



File paths in Windows

File paths given in this documentation will not be the same for all operating systems. You should note the following correspondences:


(My) Documents folder: Located by default at the following locations. Example files are located in a sub-folder of this folder.


Windows 7/8/10/11



Application folder: The Application folder is the folder where your Altova application is located. The path to the Application folder is, by default, the following.


Windows 7/8/10/11

C:\Program Files\Altova\

32-bit version on 64-bit OS

C:\Program Files (x86)\Altova\


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