Add/Remove Message Types
This topic explains how to add and remove different message types from the configuration files and outlines the structure of a message configuration file. To add custom EDI message types, follow the steps below:
1.In the directory of your custom EDI collection, create a <Message>.Config file for each message type you would like to add to the collection.
2.For each message type, add a Message element to EDI.Collection. Each Message element must have the following attributes:
oThe Type attribute specifies the official code of the message type (e.g., BALANC).
oThe File attribute indicates the file name of the specification of this particular message type (e.g., BALANC.Config). The file must exist in the same directory.
oThe Description attribute explains what a particular message type stands for (e.g., Balance message).
For examples of valid EDI.Collection files, check any of the MapForce built-in EDI collections in the MapForceEDI directory of your application folder.
To remove existing message types, comment out or delete the relevant Message elements from the EDI.Collection file.
Add and configure the <Message>.Config file
Each <Message>.Config file you create must be valid according to its configuration schema (see EDI Configuration Files). Pay special attention to the following elements in each message configuration file:
The Meta element indicates the specification version, release, and agency, for example:
The Format element indicates the name of the base standard (e.g., <Format standard="EDIFACT"/>). The following values are valid: Fixed, EDIFACT, X12, HL7, TRADACOMS, SWIFTMT. The TRADACOMS value requires the EDIConfig4.xsd schema or later. See EDI Configuration Files and Schemas.
The Include element in a <Message>.Config file shows references to any additional configuration files. For example, the code listing below includes a reference to two .Segment files and one .Codelist file. The .Segment file stores all global segment, composite, and data element definitions. The .Codelist file defines global validation rules for each field.
<Include href="Admin.Segment"/>
Any file referenced by the Include element must exist in the same directory as the <Message>.Config file.
The Message element in each <Message>.Config file defines the structure of the message (i.e., the hierarchy of groups, segments, and data elements) as well as any code values used for validation (if applicable). For more information about the structure of a message, see Change Message Structure.