Altova XMLSpy 2024 Enterprise Edition


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XMLSpy's XBRL View is an XBRL taxonomy editor that provides a graphical overview of XBRL taxonomies as well as intelligent taxonomy editing features. In this section, we describe the various features of XBRL View, and how to create and edit taxonomies in XBRL View.


This section is organized as follows:


Taxonomy Manager, which describes how to use the Taxonomy Manager tool to install, upgrade, and manage taxonomies for use with XMLSpy.

Basic Procedures, which describes how to create taxonomies that contain the most essential components.

Additional Procedures, which describes additional features, such as how to work with preferred labels and duplicate facts.

XBRL Formula Editor, which shows how to use XBRL View to work with XBRL formulas.

XBRL Table Definitions Editor, which describes table structure, how to use the editor to define XBRL tables, and how the Table Layout Preview works. This section also explains how to use table parameters, including how table parameters are used with table sets.

Find in XBRL, which describes the powerful XBRL-specific search capabilities of XMLSpy.

OIM, which provides an overview of OIM features in XMLSpy.

Notes about validating XBRL instances and taxonomies.


For more related information, see the sections: Editing Views | XBRL View and the description of commands in the XBRL menu. For example, information about generating documentation for the taxonomy (as seen in XBRL View) will be found in the section Menu Commands | XBRL Menu | Generate Documentation.


XML signatures for XBRL files in XBRL View can be created as external signature files. How to work with signatures is described in the section, XML Signatures.


Support in XMLSpy for US-GAAP and other taxonomies

XMLSpy supports the following taxonomies:

US-GAAP 1.0, 2005, 2008, 2009, 2011 to 2022



The latest versions of US-GAAP are installed with XMLSpy. Additional taxonomies, including older US-GAAP taxonomies, are available for installation via a taxonomy installer that you can download free of charge from the Altova website.



XBRL certification

XMLSpy has been XBRL-certified by XBRL International. For more information about XBRL certification, see XBRL Software Certification.


Altova website: AltovaWebLink XBRL Taxonomy Editor, XBRL Validator


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