Converting between JSON and XML
The following conversion options are available:
•Convert XML Instance to JSON: When an XML instance document is the active document, you can select whether to generate a JSON or JSON5 instance document. Use the command Convert | Convert XML Instance to/from JSON.
•Convert JSON Instance to XML: When a JSON/JSON5 instance document is the active document, an XML instance document is generated from the JSON instance by clicking Convert | Convert XML Instance to/from JSON.
•Convert XML Schema to JSON Schema: When an XML Schema document is the active document, a JSON schema document is generated from the XML Schema by clicking Convert | Convert XML Schema to/from JSON Schema.
•Convert JSON Schema to XML Schema: When a JSON schema document is the active document, an XML Schema document is generated from the JSON schema by clicking Convert | Convert XML Schema to/from JSON Schema.
All these conversions are enabled in both Text View and Grid View. Click the links above to see descriptions of the respective functionality.