Altova XMLSpy 2025 Enterprise Edition

Images in Authentic View

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Authentic View allows you to specify images that will be used in the final output document (HTML, RTF, PDF and Word 2007). You should note that some image formats might not be supported in some formats or by some applications. For example, the SVG format is supported in PDF, but not in RTF and would require a browser add-on for it to be viewed in HTML. So, when selecting an image format, be sure to select a format that is supported in the output formats of your document. Most image formats are supported across all the output formats (see list below).


Authentic View is based on Internet Explorer, and is able to display most of the image formats that your version of Internet Explorer can display. The following commonly used image formats are supported:






WMF (Microsoft Windows Metafile)

EMF (Enhanced Metafile)

SVG (for PDF output only)


Relative paths

Relative paths are resolved relative to the SPS file.


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