Altova MapForce 2025 Enterprise Edition

Configuring Automatic Build and Generation of MapForce Code

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Automatic MapForce code building and generation is enabled by default in any MapForce/Eclipse project (see Creating a MapForce/Eclipse Project ). If you want to enable automatic build and generation of MapForce code in an existing project which is not of type MapForce/Eclipse, you can do this by manually adding to it the MapForce Code Generation builder and the MapForce nature.

To add the MapForce Code Generation builder to a project:

Add to the Eclipse .project file the lines highlighted below:



To add the MapForce nature to a project:

Add to the Eclipse .project file the lines highlighted below:




Tip:You can quickly open the .project file from the Navigator view of Eclipse (To enable this view, select the menu command Window | Show View | Navigator).

To switch automatic MapForce code generation on/off:

On the Project menu, click Build automatically.

To disable the MapForce Code Generation builder:

1.On the Project menu, click Properties.

2.Click Builders.


3.Click to clear the MapForce Code Generation check box.

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