Altova MapForce 2025 Enterprise Edition

Validation of X12 and HIPAA

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When MapForce validates X12 and HIPAA components, the validation results are placed in the ParserErrors_Message and ParserErrors_Group elements (screenshot below). This information can be used to generate X12 997 and 999 files (see Create X12 997/999 below). The X12 997 transaction set (Functional Acknowledgment) reports syntax errors in the received interchange. The X12 999 transaction set (Implementation Acknowledgment) is used in healthcare to confirm the receipt of a file and to report potential errors in the received document. Because it is a super-set of the 997 Functional Acknowledgment, the X12 999 Acknowledgment can be used instead of 997 to accept or reject transaction sets based on the X12 or HIPAA Implementation Guide syntax requirements.


For X12 and HIPAA components, the validation actions from the EDI Validation Settings dialog box (see above) have the following meaning:


The Stop action will stop the execution of the mapping without generating a report message.

The Report & Reject and Report & Accept actions will provide validation information in the ParserErrors_Message and ParserErrors_Group elements. Depending on the setting Reject or Accept, the Functional Group Acknowledge Code F715 and the Transaction Set Acknowledgment Code F717 will contain the value R (Rejected) or the value E (Accepted, but errors were noted). The errors also appear in the Messages window.

With the Ignore action, no information is provided in the ParserErrors_Message and ParserErrors_Group elements.


Create X12 997/999

To create an X12 997/999 component with the default mapping connections, take the steps below:


1.Add an X12 or a HIPAA component to the mapping. In our example, we have added Message 100 from the X12 standard.

2.Right-click the title bar of the EDI component and select Create Mapping to EDI X12 997/999 (red rectangular below). This creates an EDI 997/999 component and automatically connects the nodes needed to generate an X12 997/999 document. Note that this command is enabled only for X12 and HIPAA components.



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