Altova MapForce 2025 Enterprise Edition

MapForce enables you to map data from PDF documents to other data formats supported in MapForce. PDF components are compatible only with the Built-In transformation language and can be used only as source components. To be able to work with PDF documents in MapForce, you must create a PDF template in the MapForce PDF Extractor.


The PDF Extractor is a MapForce utility that enables you to define the structure of your PDF document and decide which data you would like to extract. To find out more about PDF templates and data extraction, see MapForce PDF Extractor.


For step-by-step instructions on how to define a template and extract PDF data, follow the steps of the tutorial.


If you automate your data transformations with Altova MapForce Server, note that PDF-extraction functionality is compatible only with MapForce Server Advanced Edition.


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