Altova MapForce 2025 Enterprise Edition

EDI Component Settings

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This topic explains how to define EDI component settings and shows how to use mappable EDI delimiters in a mapping. After you have added an EDI component to the mapping area, you can configure the component's settings in the Component Settings dialog box (see screenshot below). You can open the Component Settings dialog box in one of the following ways:


Double-click the EDI component's title bar in the mapping.

Select an EDI component in the mapping and select the Component | Properties menu command.

Right-click the EDI component's title bar and click Properties.


The available settings are listed below. Note that some settings are not available if the currently selected component does not support them.



Mappable EDI delimiters

MapForce enables you to map EDI delimiters (e.g., data element separators, segment terminators, etc.). Mappable EDI delimiters are currently supported for the following EDI standards: EDIFACT, X12, and NCPDP SCRIPT. In an EDI component, the mappable EDI delimiters are available in the Settings element, the child of the Interchange element (screenshot below).


The screenshot above shows an extract from an EDIFACT message, in which each delimiter is represented by one child node, and all of these delimiters can be configured in the Components Settings dialog box (subsection above). Note that the Settings element shows only those delimiters that are configurable for this particular EDI standard.


Note about 997 and 999 messages

For target X12/HIPAA 997 and 999 messages, you must create a copy-all connection between the Settings node of the input instance and the Settings node of the 997/999 message of the output.


Source vs. target EDI components

In source components, the delimiter nodes provide the actually used delimiters from the source instance, which might differ from the delimiters set in the Components Settings dialog box. For target components, the delimiter nodes allow setting the delimiters at runtime, which means that the mapped delimiters override those set in the Component Settings dialog.


Validation checks

Note the following validation-related information:


Not connecting anything to a separator node will not change the existing behavior.

Mapping an empty sequence or a sequence of more than one string will cause a runtime error.

Repetition separators in EDIFACT: Mapping an empty space to a separator will mark the separator as unused. The UNA segment will have a space instead of a separator. Mapping an empty space to an actually needed separator will cause an error, because the separator has not been set.

Mapping a string that does not contain exactly one character will cause a runtime error.

Mapping the same character to two or more separators will result in a runtime error.


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