Altova XMLSpy 2025 Enterprise Edition

Debugger commands are available in the XSL/XQuery menu and as toolbar icons. The debugger icons are automatically made available in the toolbar when a debugging session is opened. The debugger icons are listed below.



Command Name



Start Debugger/Go (Alt+F11)

Starts or continues debugging till the end. If breakpoints have been set, then is paused at breakpoints. Tracepoint results are displayed in the Trace window when the tracepoint instruction is carried out.


View the active document only

Maximizes the window of the currently active document in the debugger.


View XSLT/XQuery and Output

Displays XSLT/XQuery and output documents while hiding the XML document.


View XML, XSLT/XQuery and Output

Displays the XML, XSLT/XQuery, and output documents. This is the default view when an XML document is associated for the debugging session.


Stop Debugger

Stops the debugger. Not the same as stopping the debugger session. This is convenient if you wish to edit a document in the middle of a debugging session. After stopping the debugger, you must restart from the beginning.


Step into (F11)

Proceeds in single steps through all nodes and XPath expressions. Also used to restart the debugger after it was stopped.


Step Over (Ctrl+F11)

Steps over the current node to the next node at the same level, or to the next node at the next higher level from that of the current node. Also used to restart the debugger after it was stopped.


Step Out (Shift+F11)

Steps out of the current node to the next sibling of the parent node, or to the next node at the next higher level from that of the parent node.


Show current execution node

Displays/selects the current execution node in the XSLT/XQuery document and the corresponding context node in the XML document. Useful if you click in other tabs or go to specific document locations and then want to return to the current node of the debugging.


Restart Debugger

Clears the output window and restarts the debugging session with the currently selected files.


Insert/Remove Breakpoint (F9)

Inserts or removes a breakpoint at the current cursor position. Indicated by a dashed red line. The command is also available in context menus.


Insert/Remove Tracepoint (Shift+F9)

Inserts or removes a tracepoint at the current cursor position. Inline tracepoints can be defined for nodes in XSLT documents. Indicated by a dashed red line. The command is also available in context menus.


Enable/Disable Breakpoint (CTRL+F9)

This command (no toolbar icon exists) enables or disables already defined breakpoints. The command is also available in context menus.


Enable/Disable Tracepoint (Shift+CTRL+F9)

This command (no toolbar icon exists) enables or disables already defined tracepoints. The command is also available in context menus.


End Debugger Session

Ends the debugging session and returns you to the XMLSpy view that was active before you started the debugging session. Whether the output documents that were opened for the debugging session stay open depends on a setting you make in the XSLT/XQuery Debugger Settings dialog.


Breakpoints/Tracepoints Dialog

This command opens the XSLT/XQuery Breakpoints / Tracepoints dialog, which displays a list of all currently defined breakpoints/tracepoints (including disabled ones) in all files in the current debugging session.




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