Altova XMLSpy 2025 Enterprise Edition

Back and Forward: Moving through Positions

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The Back and Forward commands in Schema View enable you to move through previously viewed positions in Schema View. This is useful because, while clicking through schema components in Schema View, you might wish to view a previously viewed component. Clicking the Back button once in the toolbar takes you to the previously viewed position. By repeatedly clicking the Back button, you can view up to 500 of the last visited positions. After moving back through previous positions, you can move forward through these positions by using the Forward button in the toolbar.


The shortcut keys for the two commands are:


ic_brow_back   Back: Alt + Left Arrow


ic_brow_fwd   Forward: Alt + Right Arrow


Back/Forward versus Undo/Redo

Note that the Back and Forward commands are not the same as the Undo (Ctrl+Z) and Redo (Ctrl+Y) commands. These two sets of commands make up two different series of steps. Clicking the Back command once takes you to the previously viewed component as previously displayed. Clicking the Undo command once undoes the last editing change regardless of when that editing change was made.


Additional notes

Note the following points:


The Back button enables you to re-view the previous 500 positions.

The Back/Forward feature is enabled across schemas. If a schema has since been closed or is currently open in another view, it will be opened in Schema View or switched to Schema View, respectively.

If a component that was viewed in a previous position is deleted, then that component will not be able to be viewed. If such a component was part of a previous position, this position will be displayed without the deleted component. If the component comprised the entire position, the entire position will be unavailable, and clicking the Back button at this point in the Back series will take you to the position previous to the unavailable position.


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