Altova XMLSpy 2025 Enterprise Edition

The Arcroles command pops up the Arc Roles dialog (screenshot below) in which arcroles can be created for a taxonomy. Arcroles are stored in the concept definitions file, within the appinfo element. They specify the role of an arc.


In the Taxonomies tab of the Arc Roles dialog (screenshot below), only taxonomies that are editable or that contain an arcrole or linkrole are listed in the combo box. You can add an arcrole to a taxonomy by clicking the Add button. Then define the arcrole's URI, ID, definition, and cycles. To specify in which kinds of relationships the arcrole should be available, check the boxes of the required relationship kinds. Linkbases that reference an arcrole can be added to the Referencing Linkbase Files column.


The Linkbases tab provides another view of the taxonomy's arcroles. In this view, you add and view arcroles according to individual linkbases (for example calculation or presentation linkbases). Select a linkbase in the combo box and then add or delete an arcrole as required. When you click the Add button, the Add Arcrole Reference dialog (screenshot below) pops up.


Each of the entries in this dialog is a combo box that enables you to select from available options. The Defined in Schema field enables you to select the taxonomy in which the arcrole is defined. The ID and Role combo boxes provide the available arcroles. After you have selected an arcrole and clicked OK, the reference is added to the linkbase. In the Taxonomies tab, the arcrole you referenced will show the referencing linkbase in the Referencing Linkbase Files column. If you wish to make this arcrole available for a particular kind of relationship, you will still, however, have to check the appropriate relationship kind check box.


After an arcrole has been created in the taxonomy it can be used to specify the role of an arc in a relationship kind for which the arc is available according to its definition. In the screenshot above, for example, the arcrole has been made available for arcs in label relationships.


The arcrole of an arc is selected in the Details entry helper (screenshot below; arcrole highlighted).


With the element at the to end of an arc selected, in the Details Entry Helper, select the required item from the dropdown list of the arcrole entry.


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