New Features 2025
Version 2025r2
•The menu command Convert XML Schema to/from JSON Schema has an option, when converting from XML Schema to JSON schema, to specify the format of the JSON schema (JSON or YAML).
•In the XPath/XQuery Window, XQuery expressions for JSON can be evaluated on YAML documents in Text View and Grid View to show the results in the XPath/XQuery Window.
•OpenAPI Documents can be validated against OpenAPI Specifications.
•XMLSpy supports the editing of OpenAPI Documents in both Text View and Grid View, together with all applicable features of each view.
•In the HTTP Window, you can create an HTTP request from an OpenAPI Document.
•The SOAP Debugger has been enhanced with a button to stop the debugger session.
•Database support has been extended to SQLite 3.47.2, MariaDB 11.2, MySQL 9, IBM DB2 12.x, PostgreSQL 16.
•Eclipse support has been updated to cover the following versions: 2024-12; 2024-09; 2024-06; 2024-03.
Version 2025
•YAML documents can be viewed and edited in Grid View—additionally to viewing and editing them in Text View.
•JSON schemas written in YAML format can be edited in Schema View.
•Grid View has a new context menu command to enable the editing of YAML anchors.
•The Pretty Print command is available for YAML files. The pretty-printing format for YAML is defined in the Options dialog.
•The Convert JSON to/from YAML command has been extended so that it can be used to convert a JSON Schema between its two written formats (JSON and YAML).
•Database support has been extended to SQLite 3.38.5.
•Eclipse support has been updated to cover the following versions: 2024-09; 2024-06; 2024-03; 2023-12.