XQuery/Update Execution

The XSL/XQuery | XQuery/ Update Execution command executes an XQuery (1.0/3.1) or XQuery Update (1.0/3.0) document. Depending on whether the selected file is an XQuery or XQuery Update file, either an XQuery execution or an XQuery update is carried out. XMLSpy recognizes the type of document (XQuery or XQuery Update) on the basis of the document's file type association (defined in the File types section of the Options dialog).
The XQuery Engine to use (1.0 or 3.1) is selected automatically on the basis of the version declaration in the document. If there is no version declaration in the document, then the default version specified in the XQuery section of the Options dialog is used. The XQuery/ Update Execution command can be invoked when an XQuery, XQuery Update, or XML file is active. When invoked from an XML file, it opens a dialog asking for an XQuery file to associate with the XML file. You can also select a file via a global resource or a URL (click the Browse button) or a file in one of the open windows in XMLSpy (click the Window button).
Note: The command is also available in the context menu of Project window items.
Automating validation with RaptorXML 2025
RaptorXML is Altova's standalone application for XML validation, XSLT transformation, and XQuery transformation. It can be used from the command line, via a COM interface, in Java programs, and in .NET applications. XQuery execution tasks can therefore be automated with the use of RaptorXML. For example, you can create a batch file that calls RaptorXML to run XQuery executions on a set of documents and sends the output to a text file. See the RaptorXML documentation for details.