Altova XMLSpy 2025 Enterprise Edition

A filter defines selection criteria for facts in the input XBRL instance, that is, the XBRL instance that variables are evaluated against. Filters express criteria that can be applied to input facts. Some filters may have XML content displayed in sub-lines.


Aspect cover

These filters do not perform any "filtering", and thus have no implied XPath expression. They are processed or applied after other filters (such as concept and dimension) and override the cover state of aspects resulting from the application of the other filters.


One or more aspect items

Kind: aspect, dim-qname/excl-dim-qname or dim-exp/excl-dim-exp

Value: aspect kind (enum), dimension’s QName or XPath expression

Items are displayed in entry helper Details in additional sections.


Boolean filters

Boolean filters are related to sub-filters.

The and-filter matches facts based upon criteria expressed by each one of its sub-filters.


The or-filter matches facts based upon criteria expressed by any one of its sub-filters.


Concept name

The concept name filter matches facts based upon the names of their concepts.


One or more concepts:

Kind: qname or exp

Value: concept’s QName or XPath expression

Concepts are displayed in entry helper Details in additional sections.


Concept data type

The concept data-type filter can be used to match facts based upon its XML Schema data type.


Boolean flag: “strict” specifies whether the fact’s data-type must be un-derived or not.

Kind: qname or exp

Value: data-type’s QName or XPath expression


Concept substitution group

The concept substitution-group filter can be used to match facts based on its XML Schema substitution group.


Boolean flag: “strict” specifies whether the fact’s concept must specify the element in its @substitutionGroup attribute directly or not.

Kind: qname or exp

Value: substitution-group’s QName or XPath expression


Concept period type

The concept period-type filter can be used to match facts based on whether they report values for duration-type or instant-type concepts, as determined by the @xbrli:periodType attribute.



Concept balance

The concept balance filter can be used to match facts based on whether they have an @xbrli:balance attribute and whether it has a value of debit or credit.



Concept custom attribute

The concept custom-attribute filter can be used to match facts based on the existence or value of a custom attribute in each concept's declaration.


Kind: qname or exp

Value: attribute’s QName or XPath expression

Concept relation

The concept relation filter matches facts based upon the effective relationships of their concepts to the source concept, in a specified linkrole URI network of effective relationships, of a specified arcrole URI, on a specified axis, inclusive of specified generations, and meeting an optional test expression.


Source:                Kind = variable, qname or exp

Linkrole:        Kind = uri or exp

Linkname:        Kind = none, qname or exp

Arcrole:                Kind = uri or exp

Arcname:        Kind = none, qname or exp


Explicit dimension

An explicit dimension domain is defined in the context of a given DTS as the set of all domain members in the union of all domains of valid members of the filter dimension. The explicit dimension filter can be used to match facts with any one of the domain members in an explicit dimension domain as the value for that explicit dimension.


Dimension kind: qname or exp

One or more members:

Kind: variable, qname or exp

Members are displayed in entry helper Details in additional sections.


Typed Dimension

The typed dimension filter can be used to match facts based upon the value for a typed dimension.


Dimension kind: qname or exp


Entity identifier filter

The entity identifier filter can be used to match facts based upon characteristics of the entity identification scheme and/or the entity identification value.


Specific entity scheme

The specific entity-scheme filter can be used to match facts based upon whether they report values for the scheme identified by the filter.


Regular expression entity scheme

The regular-expression entity-scheme filter can be used to match facts based upon regular patterns in the text of the entity scheme.


Specific entity identifier

The specific entity-identifier filter can be used to match facts based upon whether they report values using the entity identifier value given by the filter.


Regular expression entity identifier

The regular-expression entity-identifier filter can be used to match facts based upon regular patterns in the text of the entity identifier value.



The general filter does not cover any aspect.


Match concept

The concept matching filter can be used to select facts that report values for the same concept.


Match location

The location matching filter can be used to select facts that have the same parent element.


Match unit

The unit matching filter can be used to select facts that have the same unit.


Match entity identifier

The entity-identifier matching filter can be used to select facts with the same entity identifier.


Match period

The period matching filter can be used to select facts that have the same period.


Match dimension

The dimension matching filter can be used to select facts that have the same value for a specified XBRL Dimension.


Match complete segment

The complete-segment matching filter can be used to select facts that have the same segment, where the content of the segment is not interpreted based on the XBRL Dimensions Specification.


Match non-XDT segment

The non-XDT segment matching filter can be used to select facts that have the same segment, after excluding any XBRL Dimensions Specification content from the comparison.


Match complete scenario

The complete-scenario matching filter can be used to select facts that have the same scenario, where the content of the scenario is not interpreted based on the XBRL Dimensions Specification.


Match non-XDT scenario

The non-XDT scenario matching filter can be used to select facts that have the same scenario, after excluding any XBRL Dimensions Specification content from the comparison.



The period filter can be used to match facts based upon a broad range of criteria relating to the period over which or at which they have been measured.


Period start

The period-start filter can be used to match facts based upon the start of the duration over which they have been measured.


Period end

The period-end filter can be used to match facts based upon the end of the duration over which they have been measured.


Period instant

The period-instant filter can be used to match facts based upon the instant at which they have been measured.


Period forever

The forever filter can be used to match facts that are reported with a forever period.



Period instant duration

The instant-duration filter can be used to match facts that are reported at an instant where that instant matches the start or end of the duration for which another fact has been reported.


The relative filter can be used to select facts for which the aspects that are covered by the relative filter, have values that match the corresponding aspects of another fact. The fact that is being matched to by the relative filter must be the evaluation result of another fact variable in the variable set being evaluated.



The segment filter can be used to match facts that have non-XDT content satisfying specified constraints. Non-XDT content refers to segment content that is not based upon the explicit or typed dimensions defined in the XBRL Dimensions Specification.



The scenario filter can be used to match facts that have non-XDT content satisfying specified constraints. Non-XDT content refers to scenario content that is not based upon the explicit or typed dimensions defined in the XBRL Dimensions Specification.


Tuple parent

The parent filter can be used to select facts that have a specified parent element.


Kind: qname or exp


Tuple ancestor

The ancestor filter can be used to select facts that have a specified ancestor element.


Kind: qname or exp


Tuple sibling

The sibling filter can be used to select facts that are siblings of another fact.


Tuple location

The location filter can be used to select facts that have a specified location relative to the location of another fact.


Unit single measure

The single-measure unit filter can be used to match facts that are reported with a unit that is specified by a single measure.


Kind: qname or exp


Unit general measures

The general unit filter can be used to select facts based on criteria that involve a number of unit measures.


Value nil

The nil filter can be used to match facts that are reported as nil.


Value Precision

The precision filter can be used to match facts based on their having a minimum actual or inferred precision, noting that precision can be inferred from the value of the @decimal attribute. Note that the precision filter will not select facts if the filter implies an infinite minimum required precision. The filter will also not select non-numeric facts or facts that are reported with a nil value.



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