Altova XMLSpy 2025 Enterprise Edition

XULE Execution

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To run a XULE document on an XBRL instance document, select the menu command XBRL | Execute XULE. The command can be used in the following cases:


When a XULE document is the active document, selecting the command prompts you to select the XBRL instance on which the XULE document is to be executed.

When an XBRL instance document is the active document, selecting the command prompts you to select the XULE document or XULE document set to use.

If (i) the XULE document (.xule file)—or XULE document set (zip archive)—and the XBRL instance document are both part of an XMLSpy project, and (ii) the XBRL instance file has been set as the target XBRL file in the properties of the XMLSpy project, then right-click the project's XULE file in the XMLSpy project window and select Execute XULE. The XULE document/s will be executed on the XBRL that is the project's target for XULE execution.


Additionally, you can set up XMLSpy to run RaptorXML(+XBRL) Server commands, among which are XULE processing commands, from the XMLSpy interface.


XULE execution options

The following XULE execution options are available:


Output can be sent either: (i) to the Messages window, or (ii) to a new document that is displayed in a new XMLSpy window and stored temporarily in memory; this document can be saved to file with the File | Save As command.

Duplicate facts refer to multiple references to the same fact. (A duplicate fact occurs most commonly in Inline XBRL when the same fact is noted more than once due to the HTML code.) You can choose to report duplicate facts once only.


You can select the settings you want in the XBRL XULE tab of the Options dialog (Tools | Options | XBRL | XULE).


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