Altova XMLSpy 2025 Enterprise Edition

SOAP Communications Process

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Once the proxy server (SOAP debugger) has been started, the SOAP communication process is as follows:


Proxy server listens continually to a socket/port for incoming client requests


Client application sends a request to proxy server

Client requests can be modified if/when breakpoints have been triggered

Proxy server request data is forwarded to the web service server


The webservice server responds to the proxy request, and sends the response data back to the proxy server


Server responses can be modified if/when breakpoints have been triggered

Proxy server response data is forwarded to the client application

Client application receives response data from proxy server


Port settings

The SOAP debugger uses the 8080 port to monitor clients' requests. The port can only be altered when a new SOAP debugging session is started. If this port is disabled by personal firewalls, you will need to either disable these programs or select a different port address.


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