Sending a SOAP Request from the WSDL File
To send a SOAP request from the timeservice.wsdl file, do the following:
1.Make timeservice.wsdl the active file in the Main Window.
2.Select the menu option SOAP | Create New SOAP request.
3.Browse for the file timeservice.wsdl and confirm with OK.
4.If, among the various services defined in the document, there is more than one port that references a SOAP 1.1 or 1.2 binding, then a popup appears (screenshot below) prompting you to select the required service and port. After making the selection, click OK.

5.In the dialog box that then pops up (screenshot below), select a SOAP operation, for example, getServerTime, and click OK.

This creates a SOAP request document containing the getServerTime operation. You can save it if you like.
6.Make the request document the active document and select the menu option SOAP | Send request to server. The SOAP response document appears in the Main Window, containing the element getServerTimeResult, which displays the current server time of the time service.