Altova XMLSpy 2025 Enterprise Edition

Taxonomies: New and Existing

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In XMLSpy's XBRL View you can edit existing taxonomies and create new taxonomies.


Existing taxonomies: There are two types of existing taxonomies: (i) standard taxonomies that should not be edited; and (ii) non-standard taxonomies which may be edited; these might have been created by you or another party.

New taxonomies: New taxonomies can be created in XMLSpy. These are of two types: (i) taxonomies that are created from scratch; and (ii) taxonomies that extend a standard taxonomy.


Both kinds of taxonomies can be viewed and edited in XBRL View. In some cases, such as when a standard taxonomy is imported into a taxonomy you are creating (in order to extend the imported taxonomy), you will not be allowed to edit the imported taxonomy. Elements from imported taxonomies that are not allowed to be edited are displayed in gray.


Taxonomy packages

An XBRL Taxonomy Package is a zipped archive that contains an offline copy of a taxonomy. The taxonomy package contains a catalog XML file that remaps URIs to the offline taxonomy's file locations, and so makes the taxonomy available offline to applications. The rules that specify how taxonomy packages are to be structured and built are laid out in the Taxonomy Packages Recommendation of


If you download a taxonomy package, you can register it with XMLSpy so that XMLSpy can use the package's offline resources (such as schemas) when validating. Registration of the package is done via the Tools | Options | Taxonomy Packages pane; the procedure is described there.


Steps for creating a new taxonomy

A new taxonomy typically will build on an existing one. In the new taxonomy, new elements will be added, and relationships between these new elements and between new elements and imported elements will be created. The general requirements of a new taxonomy and how you would go about creating one are outlined below:


1.The new taxonomy must be created in its own namespace in order to distinguish it from other taxonomies. If the new taxonomy is to extend an existing one, the existing taxonomy must be imported into the new taxonomy.

2.New concepts (elements) are defined in the new taxonomy.

3.Relationship files (or linkbases) are created to contain the definition, presentation, calculation, label, and reference relationships of the new taxonomy.

4.Relationships for the new taxonomy must be built from scratch.


In the description above, we have used the term taxonomy to denote the entire taxonomy, which comprises several files: the concept definitions files and the relationship files. (See the section Taxonomy Document Files for a description of the various files that comprise a taxonomy.)


Using XBRL View

In the sections that follow, we describe how to use the features of XBRL View to create and edit taxonomies. Starting with the section, Creating a New Taxonomy, we also provide instructions, at the end of each section, for creating your own taxonomy. The instructions in each successive section build on the work of previous sections. By the time you reach the section Creating Relationships: Part 1, you will have become familiar with XBRL View and be able to use it confidently.


The taxonomy you will be creating leads, with additional work, to the taxonomy supplied with XMLSpy (Nanonull.xsd) and which is located in the folder C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\My Documents\Altova\XMLSpy2025\Examples\XBRLExamples\Nanonull. (Note that the main taxonomy file always has the extension .xsd. The file extension .xbrl is used for XBRL instance files and not for taxonomy files.)


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