Altova XMLSpy 2025 Enterprise Edition

This section:


Accessing the advanced settings

Overview of advanced settings

Loading, saving, resetting chart settings


Accessing the advanced settings

To access a chart's advanced settings do the following: Click Change Appearance in the toolbar of the chart window. This displays the Change Appearance dialog for that particular chart type (the screenshot below shows the Change Appearance dialog of a pie chart).



Overview of advanced settings

The advanced settings are organized into tabs that are common to all chart types and those that are specific to a single chart type.


Common chart settings


Type-specific chart settings



Loading, saving, resetting chart settings

Chart settings that are different from the default settings can be saved in an XML file. These settings can subsequently loaded as the settings of a chart, which can help you save time and effort. The Load/Save button (see first screenshot in this section) provides the following options when clicked:


Set to default: Rejects changes made to the settings, and restores the default settings to all settings sections.

Load from file: Enables settings to be imported that have been previously saved in an XML file (see next command). The command displays the Open dialog, in which you enter the location of the required file.

Save to file: Opens the Save As dialog box. You can specify an XML file in which to save the settings. This file lists those settings that are different from the default settings.


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