Altova StyleVision 2025 Enterprise Edition

XBRL Tables

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The XBRL Table Linkbase specification is designed to allow rendering of XBRL facts in a tabular form. A table linkbase provides the basic layout of a table (or several tables), leaving the table rendering details to the processing application. The layout as provided by the linkbase defines the appearance of the table’s X and Y axes by assigning to each axis an arbitrarily complex structure of header cells. Each structure level corresponds to an XBRL aspect (concept, period, identifier, unit, segment, or scenario). The layout also defines the order of aspect values, filtering of aspect values, and other information.


The Table Wizard

StyleVision integrates table linkbases by reading the table linkbase information from the DTS and allowing the user to select a table definition from the table linkbase. The XBRL Table Wizard automatically fills its row and column breakdowns according to the definition of the selected table. Once the breakdowns are filled and the user completes the wizard, StyleVision generates the XBRL table. StyleVision also supports generating the XBRL table directly after the user selects a table definition, that is, without even opening the wizard.


Adding XBRL tables to the design

You can add an XBRL table to a design in any of the following ways (which are ordered by increasing level of user-friendliness):


Manually add a table and all required design elements (XBRL templates, etc.) to the design.

Use the XBRL Table Wizard to create the design elements; manually add/arrange breakdown items in the wizard as required.

In the XBRL Table Wizard, fill the breakdown items automatically by selecting a table definition from the table linkbase. (The taxonomy must contain a table linkbase.)

Completely auto-generate the table (without opening the wizard) by selecting a table definition from the table linkbase. (The taxonomy must contain a table linkbase.)


In the third case, the table definition in the table linkbase serves as a starting point for filling the breakdown items in the Table Wizard. The fact that the breakdown items originated in a table linkbase does not in any way restrict subsequent editing actions in the Table Wizard or in design view. Once a table has been selected and the breakdown items have been filled, the presence of a table linkbase no longer influences either the Table Wizard, subsequent design editing, or the XSL transformation.


Table Parameters

A table definition in a table linkbase might depend on parameters. For example, the linkrole of a relationship node might depend on a parameter. In such cases, different parameter values could produce fundamentally different table structures. This means that when a table is selected for filling the breakdown items, values must also be provided for any parameters defined in the table linkbase.


When selecting a table for filling the breakdown items, each table parameter can be assigned a single value only. This means that the resolution process results in a single table, which the user can subsequently customize in the wizard. The effect achieved by assigning multiple items to a parameter’s value is reproduced by repeatedly using the Table Wizard to create a table, one for each desired parameter value item.


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