Altova StyleVision 2025 Enterprise Edition

Generated Files

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In StyleVision, XSLT stylesheets and output files can be generated using the File | Save Generated Files command or StyleVision Server.  Alternatively, if you wish only to validate or transform XML using XSLT, you can do this directly with RaptorXML(+XBRL) Server.



The following files can be generated from StyleVision:


XSLT stylesheets based on the SPS design. Separate XSLT stylesheets are generated for HTML, Text, RTF, PDF, and Word 2007+ output.

Output files, generated by processing the Working XML File assigned in the SPS with the XSLT stylesheets generated from the SPS.


The markup for the output is contained in the SPS. The data for the output is contained in the XML document or DB. It is the XSLT stylesheet that brings markup and data together in the output. Both the XSLT stylesheets as well as the actual output can be previewed in StyleVision in the Output Views.


Note: If you wish to add a namespace to an SPS or to an XSLT stylesheet being generated from an SPS, the namespace must be added to the top-level schema element of the XML Schema on which the SPS is based.


Altova website: AltovaWebLink XML reporting


Output documents

Given below are important points to note about the generated documents:


HTML output and stylesheets: (1) The formatting and layout of the generated HTML document will be identical to the HTML Preview of StyleVision and near-identical to the Authentic View of the XML document. (2) Data-input devices (text input fields, check boxes, etc) in the HTML file do not allow input. These data-input devices are intended for XML data input in Authentic View and, though they are translated unchanged into the graphical HTML equivalents, they cannot be used for data-entry in the HTML document.

Altova website: AltovaWebLink XML to HTML


RTF output and stylesheets: (1) The RTF design requires specifications for paged media. You can provide these specifications (cover page design, left/right pagination, etc) in the Properties sidebar and the Design Tree sidebar. Note that the design specifications for paged media are used for RTF, PDF (XSL-FO), and Word 2007+ output. (2) If data-input devices have been used in the SPS, then, where possible, these are rendered as graphics on the RTF page. When a data-entry device cannot easily be simulated as a graphic (e.g. check boxes), a substitute presentation is used.


Text output and stylesheets: Since the plain text format does not use formatting, style properties in the design are not passed to the text output.


PDF output and stylesheets for FO: (1) To render a document to paged media requires some special specifications, such as for left/right pagination, the location and composition of headers and footers, the design of a cover page, etc. You can design these additional features for your document (using the Properties sidebar and Design Tree sidebar), and these are included in the XSLT stylesheet for XSL-FO. Note that these design specifications for paged media are used not only for PDF (XSL-FO) output, but also for RTF and Word 2007+. (2) If data-input devices have been used in the SPS, then, where possible, these are rendered as graphics on the PDF page. When a data-entry device cannot easily be simulated as a graphic (e.g. check boxes), a substitute presentation is used.

Altova website: AltovaWebLink XML to PDF


Word 2007+ output and stylesheets: You can design paged media features, such as pagination, headers and footers, and a cover page using the Properties sidebar and Design Tree sidebar, and these are included in the XSLT stylesheet for Word 2007+. Note that the design specifications for paged media are used not only for Word 2007+ output, but also for PDF (XSL-FO) and RTF output.


RTF output

RTF output is generated from your XML file in a single step by processing the XML document with the XSLT-for-RTF file generated from the SPS. The properties of the RTF output are defined in the SPS, and you can preview the output in the RTF Preview window. To obtain the RTF file, you must generate it (using File | Save Generated Files or StyleVision Server).


Note: If there is a problem with an embedded preview, StyleVision will attempt to open the preview document in an external application (usually MS Word or Adobe Reader). An error message about the embedded preview will appear in StyleVision. If the preview document is opened in an external application, you will need to close the external application before regenerating the temporary output document, otherwise you will get an error message saying the file is being used by another process. You should also close the external application before closing the SPS design, otherwise StyleVision will not be able to close the temporary output document due to the file lock placed on the document by the external application.



Text output

Since Text output generates plain text, note the following points:


Style and page layout properties that are defined in the design will not be applied to the Text output.

In order to generate Text output, the XSLT version selected for the SPS must be XSLT 2.0 or XSLT 3.0.


PDF output

Generating PDF output from your XML file is a two-step process:


1.An XSLT transformation is used to transform the XML file into an XSL-FO file (FO file). In the transformation process, page sequencing and page layout properties are added, so that the FO file contains this information in addition to the content.
2.The FO file is processed by an FO processor to generate the PDF.


The XSLT-for-FO and the PDF output can be previewed in the PDF Preview tab. The XSLT-for-FO, the FO document, and the PDF document can be generated using File | Save Generated Files or StyleVision Server. The FO document can also be generated using RaptorXML.


Note: If there is a problem with an embedded preview, StyleVision will attempt to open the preview document in an external application (usually MS Word or Adobe Reader). An error message about the embedded preview will appear in StyleVision. If the preview document is opened in an external application, you will need to close the external application before regenerating the temporary output document, otherwise you will get an error message saying the file is being used by another process. You should also close the external application before closing the SPS design, otherwise StyleVision will not be able to close the temporary output document due to the file lock placed on the document by the external application.



Word 2007+ output

Word 2007+ output is generated from your XML file in a single step by processing the XML document with the XSLT-for-Word 2007+ file generated from the SPS. The properties of the Word 2007+ output are defined in the SPS, and you can preview the output in the Word 2007+ Preview window. To obtain the Word 2007+ file, you must generate it (using File | Save Generated Files or StyleVision Server).


Note: If there is a problem with an embedded preview, StyleVision will attempt to open the preview document in an external application (usually MS Word or Adobe Reader). An error message about the embedded preview will appear in StyleVision. If the preview document is opened in an external application, you will need to close the external application before regenerating the temporary output document, otherwise you will get an error message saying the file is being used by another process. You should also close the external application before closing the SPS design, otherwise StyleVision will not be able to close the temporary output document due to the file lock placed on the document by the external application.


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