User-Defined Jar Files
If access is via a JAR file, the URI of the JAR file must be specified using the following syntax:
The method is then called by using the prefix of the namespace URI that identifies the class: classNS:method() |
In the above:
java: indicates that a Java function is being called
classname is the name of the user-defined class
? is the separator between the classname and the path
path=jar: indicates that a path to a JAR file is being given
uri-of-jarfile is the URI of the jar file
!/ is the end delimiter of the path
classNS:method() is the call to the method
Alternatively, the classname can be given with the method call. Here are two examples of the syntax:
Here is a complete XSLT example that uses a JAR file to call a Java extension function:
<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0"
xmlns:car="java?path=jar:file:///C:/test/Car1.jar!/" >
<xsl:output exclude-result-prefixes="fn car xsl xs"/>
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:variable name="myCar" select="'red')" />
<a><xsl:value-of select="car:Car1.getCarColor($myCar)"/></a>
<xsl:template match="car"/>
Note: When a path is supplied via the extension function, the path is added to the ClassLoader.