Altova StyleVision 2025 Enterprise Edition

The Fonts section of the Change Appearance dialog box lets you configure fonts for objects in the Chart window.



Font settings

You can choose the font face, size, and style for the individual elements displayed in the Chart window. You can define the size as a percentage of the chart size and define a minimum size in points, or specify an absolute value (in points). To apply the same font and/or size to all text elements, activate the respective Use the same for all check box.

The element names in the list box are defined as follows:


Title: The name of a chart

Legend: The key to the colors used in the chart

Labels: The designation of the pieces of a pie chart

Axis Title: The name of the X, Y, and Z axis in a bar or line chart

Axis Values: The units displayed on an axis in a bar or line chart

Tick Values: The units displayed on a gauge chart

Values: The values displayed on the bars of a bar chart


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