Altova StyleVision 2025 Enterprise Edition

A PXF file can be opened in StyleVision via the File | Open command and edited. These edits can be of two types:


The configuration of the PXF file can be edited

The content of individual component files such as the SPS and Authentic XML can be edited in StyleVision, while other component files (such as image and CSS files) can be edited in external applications. All component files must however be explicitly updated in StyleVision.


Entry point for PXF editing

The entry point for editing the PXF configuration and for updating the PXF file is the PXF item in the Design Overview sidebar (screenshot below).




Configure embedded files

Clicking the Configure Embedded Files link in Design Overview (see screenshot above) opens the Configure Portable XML Form (PXF) dialog. The configuration options are exactly the same as described in the section, Creating a PXF File.


Updating embedded files

Clicking the Update Embedded Files link in Design Overview (see screenshot above) opens the Portable XML Form (PXF) Update dialog (screenshot below).




First, select whether the source files should be retrieved relative to their current PXF locations or from their original locations. Then check the files you wish to update and click Update. A new PXF file will be created and will overwrite the existing PXF file. Therefore, before you update, it is highly recommended that you back up the original PXF file.


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