Altova StyleVision 2025 Enterprise Edition

Congratulations for having successfully completed the tutorial. You have learned the most important aspects of creating an SPS:


How to create the structure of the document (main template and global templates).

How to insert dynamic and static content in the design, using a variety of dynamic and static SPS components..

How to use CSS styles, in external stylesheets, in global style rules, and in local style rules.

How to use Auto-Calculations to derive additional information from the available XML data.

How to use conditions to filter the XML data and how to obtain different outputs depending on values in the XML data.

How to use global templates and rest-of-contents.


For a more detailed description of these features, see the corresponding sections in the following four sections:


SPS File: Content

SPS File: Structure

SPS File: Advanced Features

SPS File: Presentation

SPS File: Additional Functionality


These sections also contain descriptions of several other StyleVision features not encountered in the Quick Start tutorial.


Using the SPS

After completing the SPS, you should also try out the two main uses of SPS:


Editing XML documents in the Authentic View of XMLSpy or Authentic Desktop. (The Enterprise and Professional editions contain an Authentic View preview tab, which does not have a few features such as sidebars and Text State Icons.) These two products provide a full-feature Authentic View, in which you can try out the sidebars and context menu. To edit QuickStart.xml in Authentic View in XMLSpy or Authentic Desktop, associate the XML file with MyQuickStart.sps and switch to Authentic View.

Generating XSLT stylesheets for transforming the XML file to HTML, Text, RTF, and PDF output. The XSLT stylesheets can be generated using the File | Save Generated Files command or via the command line. Try generating XSLT stylesheets from MyQuickStart.sps and then using these stylesheets to transform QuickStart.xml.


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