Altova StyleVision 2025 Enterprise Edition

The Table menu provides commands enabling you to insert a static or dynamic table and to change the structure and properties of static and dynamic tables. You can edit table structure by appending, inserting, deleting, joining, and splitting rows and columns. Properties of the table as well as of individual columns, rows, and cells are defined using CSS styles and HTML properties for tables and its sub-components.


The Table commands are available in the Table menu (see list below) and as icons in the Table toolbar. The availability of various table commands depends on the current cursor position. A table can be inserted at any location in the SPS by clicking the Insert Table command. To edit the table structure, place the cursor in the appropriate cell, column, or row, and select the required editing command. To edit a formatting property, place the cursor in the appropriate cell, column, row, or table, and, in the Styles sidebar and/or Properties sidebar, define the required property for that table component.


The following commands are available in the Table menu:


Insert Table, Delete Table

Add Table Headers, Footers

Append/Insert Row/Column

Delete Row, Column

Join Cell Left, Right, Below, Above

Split Cell Horizontally, Vertically

View Cell Bounds, Table Markup

Table Properties

Vertical Alignment of Cell Content


Headers and footers

When you create a dynamic table, you can specify whether you wish to include headers and/or footers. (Footers are allowed only when the table grows top–down.) You can create a header and footer in a static table by manually inserting a top and bottom row, respectively. The structures of headers and footers in both static and dynamic tables can be modified by splitting and joining cells.


Navigating in tables

Use the Tab and arrow keys to navigate the table cells.


Adding cell content

Any type of SPS component can be inserted as the content of a cell. The component should be formatted using the standard formatting tools.


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