Altova StyleVision 2025 Enterprise Edition

Quick Start Tutorial

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The objective of this tutorial is to take you quickly through the the key steps in creating an effective SPS. It starts with a section on creating and setting up the SPS, shows you how to insert content in the SPS, how to format the components of the SPS, and how to use two powerful SPS features: Auto-Calculations and conditions. Along the way you will get to know how to structure your output efficiently and how to use a variety of structural and presentation features.


Files required

Files related to this Quick Start tutorial are in the (My) Documents folder, C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\My Documents\Altova\StyleVision2025\StyleVisionExamples\Tutorial\QuickStart:


QuickStart.xsd, the XML Schema file on which the SPS is based.

QuickStart.xml, the Working XML File, which is the source of the data displayed in the output previews.

QuickStart.sps, which is the finished SPS file; you can compare the SPS file you create with this file.

QuickStart.css, which is the external CSS stylesheet used in the tutorial.

NewsItems.BMP, an image file that is used in the SPS.


Doing the tutorial

It is best to start at the beginning of the tutorial and work your way through the sections. Also, you should open the XSD and XML files before starting the tutorial and take a look at their structure and contents. Keep the XSD and XML files open while doing the tutorial, so that you can refer to them. Save your SPS document with a name other than QuickStart.sps (say MyQuickStart.sps) so that you do not overwrite the supplied SPS file. And, of course, remember to save after successfully completing every part.


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