Modifying a DB Table
Adding a record
To add a record to a DB table:
1.Place the cursor in the DB table row and click the icon (to append a row) or the
icon (to insert a row). This creates a new record in the temporary XML file.
2.Click the File | Save Authentic XML Data... command to add the new record in the DB. In Authentic View a row for the new record is appended to the DB table display. The AltovaRowStatus for this record is set to A (for Added).
When you enter data for the new record it is entered in bold and is underlined. This enables you to differentiate added records from existing records—if existing records have not been formatted with these text formatting properties. Datatype errors are flagged by being displayed in red.
The new record is added to the DB when you click File | Save Authentic XML Data.... After a new record is saved to the DB, its AltovaRowStatus field is initialized (indicated with ---) and the record is displayed in Authentic View as a regular record.
Modifying a record
To modify a record, place the cursor at the required point in the DB table and edit the record as required. If the number of displayed records is limited, you may need to navigate to the required record (see Navigating a DB Table).
When you modify a record, entries in all fields of the record are underlined and the AltovaRowStatus of all primary instances of this record is set to U (for Updated). All secondary instances of this record have their AltovaRowStatus set to u (lowercase). Primary and secondary instances of a record are defined by the structure of the DB—and correspondingly of the XML Schema generated from it. For example, if an Address table is included in a Customer table, then the Address table can occur in the Design Document in two types of instantiations: as the Address table itself and within instantiations of the Customer table. Whichever of these two types is modified is the type that has been primarily modified. Other types—there may be more than one other type—are secondary types. Datatype errors are flagged by being displayed in red.
The modifications are saved to the DB by clicking File | Save Authentic XML Data.... After a modified record is saved to the DB, its AltovaRowStatus field is initialized (indicated with ---) and the record is displayed in Authentic View as a regular record.
Note the following points:
•If even a single field of a record is modified in Authentic View, the entire record is updated when the data is saved to the DB.
•The date value 0001-01-01 is defined as a NULL value for some DBs, and could result in an error message.
Deleting a record
To delete a record:
1.Place the cursor in the row representing the record to be deleted and click the icon. The record to be deleted is marked with a strikethrough. The AltovaRowStatus is set as follows: primary instances of the record are set to D; secondary instances to d; and records indirectly deleted to X. Indirectly deleted records are fields in the deleted record that are held in a separate table. For example, an Address table might be included in a Customer table. If a Customer record were to be deleted, then its corresponding Address record would be indirectly deleted. If an Address record in the Customer table were deleted, then the Address record in the Customer table would be primarily deleted, but the same record would be secondarily deleted in an independent Address table if this were instantiated.
2.Click File | Save Authentic XML Data to save the modifications to the DB.
Note: Saving data to the DB resets the Undo command, so you cannot undo actions that were carried out prior to the save.