Altova StyleVision 2025 Enterprise Edition

Page / Column / Document Section

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With the Page / Column / Document Section command you can insert, for paged media output, a page break (HTML printouts, RTF, PDF, and Word 2007+ outputs) and page number (RTF, PDF, and Word 2007+ outputs). Such insertions are possible only at cursor insertion points.


New Page

Click New Page to insert a page break at the cursor insertion point. The page break is displayed as a dashed line across the whole of the Design window. In HTML output, while the page break has no effect in the browser view, a page break will be inserted when the browser view of the HTML file is printed out. In PDF, Word 2007+ and RTF output, a page break is inserted at the specified locations.


Page Number

Click Page | Number to insert the current page number in the RTF, PDF, and Word 2007+outputs. The page number appears as a block (i.e. as a separate line) or as an inline (embedded in document text), depending on where in the document the page number has been inserted. For example, if the page number is inserted within a paragraph element, then the page number appears inline within the paragraph. If, on the other hand, the page number is inserted, say, between two elements, then it appears on a separate line by itself.


Page Total

Click Page | Total to insert the total number of pages in the PDF output. The page total can be inserted anywhere in the document design, including in headers and footers. It is particularly useful when numbering pages. For example, the page total can be inserted in a header design as follows: Page: (page number)/(page total). This would produce output in the form: Page: 1/25.


New Column

The number of columns that a page in a given section must have is specified in the page properties of that section. In the output, text will fill the columns on a multi-column page one by one. Text can however be forced into a new column by inserting a column break (new column) in the design. To insert a new column in a document, place the cursor at the location in the design where the new section is to be added and click the New Column command, which is also available via the context menu.


New Document Section

A document is made up of one initial section and, optionally, additional sections. Each section has its own page properties. To insert a new section in a document, place the cursor at the location in the design where the new section is to be added and click the New Document Section command, which is also available via the context menu.





Deleting Page Breaks, Page Numbers, and Page Total

To delete page breaks, page numbers, and page total, select the placeholder and click Delete.


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