Altova StyleVision 2025 Enterprise Edition

Edit DB Filter, Clear DB Filter

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The Edit DB Filter command ic_edit_db_filter allows you to create and edit a filter for a database table (a DB Filter). A DB Filter determines what data from the selected database table is imported and displayed. A DB Filter consists of one or more criteria. When you specify criteria, you use an expression, which is a combination of operators (= or >) and values (text or numbers). Additionally, criteria can be joined by the logical operators AND or OR.


To create or edit a DB Filter, do the following:


1.Select the top-level data table element for which you wish to create or edit a DB Filter. Do this by clicking either the element tag in Design View or the element name in the schema tree.
2.Select Database | Edit DB Filter or click the toolbar icon for the command. This pops up the Edit Database Filters dialog.




3.To add criteria use the Append AND and Append OR buttons. To move a criterion up or down, use the arrow buttons. To delete a criterion, use the Delete button.
4.Specify the criteria for the DB Filter. Each criterion consists of three parts: Field Name + Operator + Value. The options for Field Names and Operators are available in combo boxes. The value of the expression must be keyed in, and may be a parameter (indicated by a preceding $ character).


Clear DB Filter command

The Clear DB Filter command ic_clear_db_filter deletes the filter after asking for and receiving a confirmation from you.


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