Altova StyleVision 2025 Enterprise Edition

Synchronizing StyleVision and Authentic

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Each new release of StyleVision contains features that add to the power and capability of Authentic View  (a graphical XML-document-editor available in the Altova products XMLSpy, Authentic Desktop, Authentic Browser, and StyleVision). However, the following must be taken into account:


An SPS file created with a later version of StyleVision might be incompatible with an older version of Authentic View.

New SPS file functionality (created using a later version of StyleVision) will be interpretable only by a corresponding version (or later) of Authentic View.


So, if a later version of StyleVision is used to create an SPS file, all deployed Authentic View products  (a graphical XML-document-editor available in the Altova products XMLSpy, Authentic Desktop, Authentic Browser, and StyleVision) must be synchronized with this version of StyleVision. This means, for example, that if StyleVision 2008 release 2 was used to create an SPS file, then Authentic Desktop 2008 release 2 (or another Authentic View product from this release) must be used to properly edit this SPS file.


Note that a later version of an Authentic View product  (a graphical XML-document-editor available in the Altova products XMLSpy, Authentic Desktop, Authentic Browser, and StyleVision) will be able to interpret SPSs created with previous versions of StyleVision.


Synchronization steps when a deployed SPS file is modified using a later version of StyleVision

If an SPS is already deployed among multiple Authentic View users, and if, subsequently, new Authentic View functionality is added to the SPS using a later version of StyleVision, then the developer should go about the task of synchronization in the following sequence:


1.The developer obtains a license key for the new version of Authentic View for himself.

2.The developer successfully tests SPS modifications using the new StyleVision and Authentic View pair.

3.The new version of the Authentic View product  (a graphical XML-document-editor available in the Altova products XMLSpy, Authentic Desktop, Authentic Browser, and StyleVision) is distributed to all Authentic View users.

4.Only after all three steps above have been successfully carried out, should the modified SPS be deployed to Authentic View users.


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