Altova DiffDog 2025 Enterprise Edition

Directory Comparison Commands

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This topic describes menu commands that are specific to directory comparisons.


The Show files in ZIP archives ic_show-ZIP-files option is deactivated by default, therefore only the file itself will be shown in directory comparisons. To be able to expand the file and view its content you must activate the Show files in ZIP archives option.


The Compare only Size and Modification Date ic_quick command compares files within directories and subdirectories by size and date modified. This mode is either toggled on or off. When toggled off, the four file comparison modes become available. Selecting one of the file comparison modes causes directories to be compared in terms of their contents as text, XML, or binary files.


The Synchronize Directories ic_synchronize command opens the Synchronize directories dialog box and populates it with all non-equal files that are present in at least one of the directories.


The Synchronize Selected Directory ic_synchronize-selected command is available when the following conditions are true:


At least one of the compared directories contains a sub-directory which is selected.

The selected sub-directory contains one or more non-equal files.


The command opens the Synchronize directories dialog box and populates it with all non-equal files that are present in the selected sub-directory.


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