Actions for Files
If you click on the name of a file that has duplicates, the selected file and its duplicates will be shown in red (screenshot below).

Right-clicking a file opens the file's context menu. The context menu enables you to perform the following actions:
•Copy the file name
•Copy the full path to the file
•Open the folder where the file is stored
•Open the file in an external application (e.g., if Altova XMLSpy is your default application for XML files, the file will open in this application)
•Delete the selected duplicate file (which is also possible via the toolbar, the Delete key, and the Diff and Merge menu)
•Delete all other duplicates of the selected file (which is also possible via the Diff and Merge menu)
Selecting the option Delete All Other Occurrences of Selected File opens the Delete Duplicate Files dialog (screenshot below). This dialog displays the path of the selected file, informs about the number of duplicate files to be deleted and asks for confirmation.
To see the paths of the duplicate files, press the Show button. The Files dialog that opens (screenshot below) enables you to copy the list of duplicates or to export it as a text file. To access these two options, press the Export File List button in the Files dialog.