Altova DiffDog 2025 Enterprise Edition

This example illustrates how to connect to an IBM DB2 for i database via ODBC.



IBM System i Access for Windows must be installed on your operating system. For installation instructions, check the documentation supplied with your IBM DB2 for i software. After installation, check if the ODBC driver is available on your machine.

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You have the following database connection details: the IP address of the database server, and the database user name and password.

Run System i Navigator and follow the wizard to create a new connection. When prompted to specify a system, enter the IP address of the database server. After creating the connection, verify the connection by click it and selecting File | Diagnostics | Verify Connection.



1.Start the database connection wizard and click ODBC Connections.

2.Click User DSN. and click Create a New DSN DSN_add .

3.Select iSeries Access ODBC Driver from the list, and click User DSN (or System DSN if applicable).


4.Enter a data source name and select the connection from the System combo box. In this example, the data source name is iSeriesDSN and the System is

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5.Click Connection Options, select Use the User ID Specified Below and enter the name of the database user (in this example, DBUSER).

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6.Click OK. The new data source becomes available in the list of DSNs.

7.Click Connect.

8.Enter the user name and password to the database when prompted, and then click OK.


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