Altova MapForce 2025 Enterprise Edition

MapForce PDF Extractor

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PDF Extractor is a MapForce utility which enables you to define the structure of a PDF document and extract data from this document. PDF Extractor is a highly flexible tool that allows you to extract only portions of text instead of the whole document, mix and match pieces of information from different pages of the same PDF file, split tables into rows, and arrange data into groups.


Once you have defined a template, you can add it together with a PDF document that is based on this template to the MapForce mapping area and map the PDF data to any format supported in MapForce. The templates you create in the PDF Extractor are particularly useful when you have a big number of PDF files with the same or very similar layout. Applying the same template to multiple PDF documents will help you automate your business operations and make PDF data extraction easier and faster.


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