Altova MapForce 2025 Enterprise Edition

Storing username and password in encrypted form in the mapping is one of the ways to run mappings with authentication. This approach makes it simple to run the mapping regardless of the execution environment because the sensitive data is stored encrypted as part of the mapping, or, in server execution, as part of the server execution file. However, despite reduced complexity, it has the disadvantage that, whenever the username and password should change, you need to update and recompile the mapping to a new server execution .mfx file, or redeploy it to FlowForce Server. Also, it is not possible to change the username and password at mapping runtime, like it is possible with Credentials.


This approach is supported only for backward compatibility with earlier versions of MapForce. It is recommended to use either Credentials or Dynamic Authentication instead.

To set up authentication with stored username and password:

1.Open a mapping that contains a Web service call, or add a Web service to a new mapping.

2.Double-click the title bar of the Web service component to open the Settings dialog box.

3.Next to "HTTP Security Settings", click Edit.

4.Select the radio button next to Username and fill in the username and password to be stored. Confirm the password when prompted to do so.

5.Click OK.


You may now preview the mapping in MapForce without any other further prerequisites. In MapForce Server, you can run the mapping as you would run any mapping that doesn't require credentials. For example, when calling MapForce Server at the command line, the syntax to run the mapping could be:


<exec> run mapping.mfx


If you deploy the mapping to FlowForce Server in order to run it as a mapping function, there is no special indication in FlowForce Server that the mapping includes stored credentials. You can just create a job from the mapping function and run it without special prerequisites.



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