Altova MapForce 2025 Enterprise Edition

Working with Mappings and Projects

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When MapForce plug-in for Eclipse is installed, you can create from Eclipse the same mappings and mapping project types as in the standalone edition of MapForce, from within an Eclipse project. To design, test, compile, and deploy mappings, and to generate mapping code, you can either create a new Eclipse project or use an existing Eclipse project (for example, a Java project to which you want to add MapForce mappings).


In addition to this, you can work with all your mappings within a special project type that becomes available in Eclipse after you install the MapForce plug-in—the MapForce/Eclipse Project. Unless you choose to customize it, a MapForce/Eclipse project is by default assigned both a Java Builder and a MapForce Code Generation builder. Additionally, it has two Eclipse natures: MapForce nature and the JDT (Java Development tools) nature. As a result, a MapForce/Eclipse project behaves as follows when you save or change any of its resources (such as a mapping design file):


If the Project > Build automatically menu option is enabled, the mapping code is generated automatically. When one or more MapForce project files exist in the MapForce/Eclipse project, the code generation language and output target folders are determined by the settings in each project file. Otherwise, Eclipse prompts you to choose a location.

Any errors and output messages are shown in the Messages and Problems views.


This section contains the following topics:


Creating a MapForce/Eclipse Project

Creating New Mappings

Importing Existing Mappings into an Eclipse Project

Configuring Automatic Build and Generation of MapForce Code

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