Altova MapForce 2025 Enterprise Edition

This class enables you to process XML attributes or elements of type xs:duration.






Duration(Duration obj)

Initializes a new instance of the Duration class to the Duration object supplied as argument.


Duration(System.TimeSpan newvalue)

Initializes a new instance of the Duration class to the System.TimeSpan object supplied as argument.


Duration(long ticks)

Initializes a new instance of the Duration class to the number of ticks supplied as argument.


Duration(int newyears, int newmonths, int days, int hours, int minutes, int seconds, double partseconds, bool bnegative)

Initializes a new instance of the Duration class to a duration built from parts supplied as arguments.






int Months

Gets or sets the number of months of the current instance of Duration.


System.TimeSpan Value

Gets or sets the value (as System.TimeSpan) of the current instance of Duration.


int Years

Gets or sets the number of years of the current instance of Duration.






override bool Equals(object other)

Returns true if the specified object is equal to the current object; false otherwise.


override int GetHashCode()

Returns the hash code of the current instance.


bool IsNegative()

Returns true if the current instance of Duration represents a negative duration.


static Duration Parse( string s, ParseType pt )

Returns an Altova.Types.Duration object parsed from the string supplied as argument, using the parse type supplied as argument. Valid parse type values:


Parse duration assuming that year, month, day, as well as time duration parts exist.


Parse duration assuming that only year and month parts exist.


Parse duration assuming that only the day and time parts exist.


Note that this method is static and can only be called on the class itself, not on an instance of the class.


override string ToString()

Converts the current Duration instance to string. For example, a time span of 3 hours, 4 minutes, and 5 seconds would be converted to "PT3H4M5S".


string ToYearMonthString()

Converts the current Duration instance to string, using the "Year and Month" parse type.






Determines if Duration a is not equal to Duration b.


Determines if Duration a is equal to Duration b.



Before using the following code listings in your program, ensure the Altova types are imported:


using Altova.Types;


The following code listing illustrates various ways to create Duration objects:


protected static void DurationExample1()
  // Create a new time span of 3 hours, 4 minutes, and 5 seconds
  System.TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan(3, 4, 5);
  // Create a Duration from the time span
  Duration dr = new Duration(ts);
  // The output is: PT3H4M5S
  Console.WriteLine("Duration created from TimeSpan: " + dr.ToString());
  // Create a negative Altova.Types.Duration from 6 years, 5 months, 4 days, 3 hours,
      // 2 minutes, 1 second, and .33 of a second
  Duration dr1 = new Duration(6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, .33, true);
  // The output is: -P6Y5M4DT3H2M1.33S
  Console.WriteLine("Duration created from parts: " + dr1.ToString());
  // Create a Duration from a string using the DAYTIME parse type
  Duration dr2 = Altova.Types.Duration.Parse("-P4DT3H2M1S", Duration.ParseType.DAYTIME);
  // The output is -P4DT3H2M1S
  Console.WriteLine("Duration created from string: " + dr2.ToString());
  // Create a duration from ticks            
  Duration dr3 = new Duration(System.DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks);
  // Output the result
  Console.WriteLine("Duration created from ticks: " + dr3.ToString());


The following code listing illustrates getting values from Duration objects:


protected static void DurationExample2()
  // Create a negative Altova.Types.Duration from 6 years, 5 months, 4 days, 3 hours,
      // 2 minutes, 1 second, and .33 of a second
  Duration dr = new Duration(6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, .33, true);
  // The output is: -P6Y5M4DT3H2M1.33S
  Console.WriteLine("The complete duration is: " + dr.ToString());
  // Get only the year and month part as string
  string dr1 = dr.ToYearMonthString();
  Console.WriteLine("The YEARMONTH part is: " + dr1);
  // Get the number of years in duration
  Console.WriteLine("Years: " + dr.Years);
  // Get the number of months in duration
  Console.WriteLine("Months: " + dr.Months);

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