Altova MapForce 2025 Enterprise Edition

Message-Level Validation (Local)

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You can perform validation globally for all messages in which a field is used or locally for a particular message. To configure local validation, take the steps below:


1.Create a custom EDI collection if you have not done this yet.

2.In the directory of your custom EDI collection, find the relevant .Config file and open it in an XML editor.

3.Navigate to the <Data> element of the relevant <Segment> and add the custom code values as children of <Values> (see code listing below):


<Group name="Message_270-B1" info="Health Care Eligibility Benefit Inquiry" maxOccurs="unbounded">
     <Segment name="ST" info="Transaction Set Header">
       <Condition path="F1705" value="005010X279A1" />
       <Data ref="F143" info="Transaction Set Identifier Code">
          <Value Code="270" />

       <Data ref="F329" info="Transaction Set Control Number" />
       <Data ref="F1705" info="Implementation Convention Reference" />


When a field has both locally-defined values (see code listing above) and globally-defined code values, make sure the local code values are also defined as global code values. Otherwise, a validation error will occur. Note that the actual validation outcome takes into account the settings configured for the rule Invalid code list value in the EDI Validation Settings dialog box.


Note that local validation cannot be used for fields that require validation at character level.


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