Altova MapForce 2025 Enterprise Edition

The node functions from the xpath2 library provide information about nodes (items) on a mapping component.


The lang function takes a string argument that identifies a language code (such as "en"). The function returns true or false depending on whether the context node has an xml:lang attribute with a value that matches the argument of the function.


The local-name, name, and namespace-uri functions, return, respectively, the local name, name, and namespace URI of the input node. For example, for the node altova:Products, the local name is Products, the name is altova:Products, and the namespace URI is the URI of the namespace to which the altova: prefix is bound (see the example given for the local-name function). Each of these three functions has two variants:


With no argument: the function is then applied to the context node (for an example of a context node, see the example given for the lang function).

With an argument that must be a node: the function is applied to the connected node.


The number function takes a node as input, atomizes the node (that is, extracts its contents), and converts the value to a decimal and returns the converted value. There are two variants of the number function:


With no argument: the function is then applied to the context node (for an example of a context node, see the example given for the lang function).

With an argument that must be a node: the function is applied to the connected node.

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