Altova MapForce 2025 Enterprise Edition

Adding Excel 2007+ Files as Mapping Components

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To add a Microsoft Excel 2007+ (*.xlsx) component to the mapping area:

1.Do one of the following:


oOn the Insert menu, click Excel 2007+ File.

oClick the Insert Excel 2007+ File ( component_excel ) toolbar button .


2.Do one of the following:


oIf you want to map data from a Microsoft Excel workbook, click Browse to select the .xlsx file from which you are mapping data. MapForce uses the sample Excel file to read worksheet names and cell ranges from it. If you have defined any Excel files as global resources, you can also select them from the Global Resources dialog box (see Global Resources ). Click Skip if you would like to provide a sample file later.

oIf you want to map data to a Microsoft Excel workbook, click Skip. By default, when the mapping transformation runs, MapForce will generate an output Excel file named xlsx-mapforce.xlsx in the mapping folder. If required, you can change the name of the output file from the Excel 2007+ Component Settings (see About the Excel 2007+ Component).

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