Altova MapForce 2025 Enterprise Edition

Version 2021 Release 3


Support for new JSON Schema Draft 2019-09 and Draft 2020-12 (Enterprise Edition only).


Version 2021 Release 2


XSLT 3.0 is now supported as mapping language. See Generating XSLT Code. MapForce now includes new built-in functions that are supported when the mapping language is XSLT 3.0. For more information, see Function Library Reference.

When generating C# code, you can select .NET Core 3.1 and .NET 5.0 as target frameworks from code generation options (this adds to existing support for .NET Framework projects). For details, see Generating C# code.

Internal updates and optimizations.


Version 2021


All XBRL-enabled applications from Altova, including MapForce, benefit from simplified XBRL taxonomy management and release-independent taxonomy updates. A new XBRL Taxonomy Manager is now available for that purpose, where you can view, manage, and update the currently installed XBRL taxonomies.

When calling a REST Web service, you can supply the URL of the Web service as parameter to the mapping. This option provides extra flexibility when you need complete control over the URL and would like to specify it at mapping runtime, see Adding a Web Service Call (REST-Style).

Support for mapping data to or from SWIFT MT format.

You can now store custom EDI Collections in a directory of your choice, or in your user's profile directory, see Creating a Custom EDI Collection.

When a mapping writes data to a target EDI component, you can switch the component to generate XML instead of EDI output, thus providing an alternative way to preview the generated data. You can also quickly convert EDI files to XML format, with a click of a button—this does not require any XML schema or drawing mapping connections. See Converting EDI to XML for more information.

A MapForce mapping can read BLOB (binary large object) data from binary files and write binary files to the disk. This makes it possible, for example, to read BLOB fields from a database and save them as image files on the disk, or to read binary files such as PDFs from the disk and save them as xs:base64Binary fields within an XML file. See Binary Files for more information.

New database versions are supported: MariaDB 10.4, 10.5

New Eclipse versions are supported: 2019.09, 2019.12, 2020.03, 2020.06

When joining multiple database tables or views using SQL join components in a mapping, you can set the join mode either as LEFT OUTER JOIN or INNER JOIN, see Changing the Join Mode.

Internal updates and optimizations.


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