Altova MapForce 2025 Enterprise Edition

MapForce Command Line Interface

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The general syntax of a MapForce command at the command line is as follows:


MapForce.exe <filename> [/{target} [[<outputdir>] [/options]]]


For more information about each parameter of the command, see Parameters below.



The following notation is used to indicate command line syntax:




Text without brackets or braces

Items you must type as shown

<Text inside angle brackets>

Placeholder for which you must supply a value

[Text inside square brackets]

Optional items

{Text inside braces}

Set of required items; choose one

Vertical bar (|)

Separator for mutually exclusive items; choose one

Ellipsis (...)

Items that can be repeated




The mapping design (.mfd) or mapping project (.mfp) (Professional and Enterprise editions) from which code is to be generated. To generate code for the whole project, set the target /GENERATE (see /{target} below) and enter the project path as <filename> (e.g., MapForceExamples.mfp).




Specifies the target language or environment for which code is to be generated. The following code generation targets are supported:





The /COMPILE[:compileoptions] command compiles a mapping to a MapForce Server execution file (.mfx). You can also supply the following options separated by a comma:


oThe JDBC option transforms all database connections to JDBC using the JDBC driver and the database URL defined in the Database Component Settings dialog box.

oThe NOXMLSIGNATURES option suppresses the generation of digital signatures in the MapForce Server Execution file. Note that digital signatures are not supported by MapForce Server.


The /GENERATE command generates project code for all mappings in the project file, using the current folder settings (see Managing Project Folders). If you select this target, make sure to supply a MapForce project (.mfp) as <filename>.



The /CS command generates C# code. This command allows setting the following code generation options:




If no Visual Studio version is specified, code will be generated using the Visual Studio version defined in the code generation options.


The /CPP command generates C++ code. This command allows setting the following code generation options:




The first group of options specifies the development environment (e.g., VS2022 stands for Visual Studio 2022).


The second group of options specifies the XML library targeted by the generated code. The following values are valid:


oMSXML (generates code for MSXML 6.0)

oXERCES3 (generates code for Xerces 3)


The third group of options specifies whether static or dynamic libraries should be generated. Valid values include the following:


oLIB (generates static LIB libraries)

oDLL (generates DLL libraries)


The fourth group of options specifies whether code should be generated with or without MFC support. Valid values include the following:


oMFC (enables MFC support)

oNoMFC (disables MFC support)


If the options above are not specified, code will be generated using the Visual Studio version defined in the code generation options.




Optional parameter which specifies the output directory. If an output path is not supplied, the current working directory will be used. Note that any relative file paths are relative to the current working directory.


When the target is /GENERATE and the <outputdir> parameter is not set, the code generation language and the output path of each mapping are supplied by the settings defined for each folder inside the project (see Managing Project Folders).


When the target is /GENERATE and the <outputdir> parameter is set, the <outputdir> value supplied at the command line takes precedence over the output directory defined at the root project level. It does not take precedence, however, over the code generation settings defined at each folder inside the project.




The /options are not mutually exclusive. One or more of the following options can be set:


The /GLOBALRESOURCEFILE <filename> option is applicable if the mapping uses Global Resources to resolve an input or output file, folder paths, or databases. For more information, see Altova Global Resources. The /GLOBALRESOURCEFILE option specifies the path to a Global Resource XML file. Note that, if /GLOBALRESOURCEFILE is set, then /GLOBALRESOURCECONFIG must also be set.


The /GLOBALRESOURCECONFIG <config> option specifies the name of the Global Resource configuration (see also the previous option). If /GLOBALRESOURCEFILE is set, then /GLOBALRESOURCECONFIG must also be set.


The /LOG <logfilename> option generates a log file at the specified path. The <logfilename> path can be an absolute path. If a full path is supplied, the directory must exist for the log file to be generated. If you specify only the file name, the file will be placed in the current directory of the Windows command prompt.


The [/MFXVERSION[:<version>] option is applicable if the target is /COMPILE. This option compiles the MapForce Server Execution (.mfx) file for a particular version of MapForce Server. You can supply any version of MapForce Server, starting with 2013r2 onwards. See also Compiling mappings for a specific MapForce Server version.


The /LIBRARY <libname> (...) option is used together with a code generation target language to specify additional function libraries. This option can be specified more than once to load multiple libraries. See also Managing Function Libraries.




Relative paths are relative to the working directory, which is the current directory of the application calling MapForce. This applies to the path of the .mfd filename, .mfp filename, output directory, log filename, and global resource filename.

Do not use the end backslash and closing quote at the command line (e.g., "C:\My directory\"). These two characters are interpreted by the command line parser as a literal double quotation mark. It is recommended to avoid using spaces and quotes. If spaces occur in the command line and you need the quotes, use the double backslash (e.g., "c:\My Directory\\").



1) To start MapForce and open the mapping <filename>.mfd, use the following command:


MapForce.exe <filename>.mfd


2) To generate XSLT 2.0 code and create a log file with the name <logfilename>, use the following command:


MapForce.exe <filename>.mfd /XSLT2 <outputdir> /LOG <logfilename>


3) To generate XSLT 2.0 code taking into account the global resource configuration <grconfigname> from the global resource file <grfilename>, use the following command:


Mapforce.exe <filename>.mfd /XSLT2 <outputdir> /GLOBALRESOURCEFILE <grfilename> /GLOBALRESOURCECONFIG <grconfigname>


Examples for Professional and Enterprise editions

1) To generate a C# application for Visual Studio 2022 and output a log file, use the following command:


MapForce.exe <filename>.mfd /CS:VS2022 <outputdir> /LOG <logfilename>


2) To generate a C++ application using the code generation settings defined in Tools | Options and output a log file, use the following command:


MapForce.exe <filename>.mfd /CPP <outputdir> /LOG <logfilename>


3) To generate a C++ application for Visual Studio 2022, MSXML, with static libraries, MFC support, and no log file, use the following command:


MapForce.exe <filename>.mfd /CPP:VS2022,MSXML,LIB,MFC


4) To generate a C++ application for Visual Studio 2022, Xerces, with dynamic libraries, no MFC support, and a log file, use the following command:


MapForce.exe <filename>.mfd /CPP:VS2022,XERCES,DLL,NoMFC <outputdir> /LOG <logfilename>


5) To generate a Java application and output a log file, use the following command:


MapForce.exe <filename>.mfd /JAVA <outputdir> /LOG <logfilename>


6) To generate code for all mappings in the project, using the language and output directory defined in the folder settings (of each folder inside the project), use the following command:


MapForce.exe <filename>.mfp /GENERATE /LOG <logfilename>


7) To generate Java code for all mappings in the project file, use the following command:


MapForce.exe <filename>.mfp /JAVA /LOG <logfilename>


Note that the code generation language defined in the folder settings are ignored, and Java is used for all mappings.


8) To supply input and output files at the command line for a previously compiled Java mapping, use the following command:


java -jar <mappingfile>.jar /InputFileName <inputfilename> /OutputFileName <outputfilename>


The /InputFileName and /OutputFileName parameters are the names of special input components in the MapForce mapping that allow you to use parameters in command line execution (see Supplying Parameters to the Mapping).


9) To compile a mapping to a MapForce Server execution file for MapForce Server version 2025 and suppress XML signatures, use the following command:


MapForce.exe <filename>.mfd /COMPILE:NOXMLSIGNATURES <outputdir> /MFXVERSION:2025 /LOG <logfilename>


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