Altova MapForce 2025 Enterprise Edition

EDI Configuration Files and Schemas

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This topic lists configuration and schema files that are available in an EDI collection and shows how to upgrade older configuration files. An EDI collection contains several configuration files that can be edited in an XML editor (e.g., Altova XMLSpy). Possible configuration files are listed below.



EDI configuration schemas

Whenever you change a configuration file (see list above), it is important to validate the file against its XML schema. The schema is available in the MapForceEDI directory of your application folder and can be one of the following:



Upgrade older configuration files

EDI configuration files contain a reference to and are validated against one of the XML schemas available in the MapForceEDI directory (see EDI Configuration Schemas above). MapForce recognizes custom EDI configurations that are based on EDIConfig.xsd Version 3 or later. Compared to the previous versions, this schema adds the ability to map data to or from multiple message types in the same EDI component. If you use custom EDI configuration files that have a schema version prior to Version 3, MapForce will inform you that the selected EDI collection supports only a single message type per component.


The instructions below explain how to upgrade the schema of an EDI configuration file from EDIConfig.xsd Version 2 to EDIConfig.xsd Version 3. In our example, we use the ORDERS message (EDIFACT).


1.Copy Envelope.Config from the original configuration folder (e.g., EDIFACT) to the folder containing your customized EDI collection.

2.Open EDI.Collection in a text editor and change the value of the root element's Version attribute from 2 to 3 (highlighted yellow below).

3.Add <Root File="Envelope.Config"/> after </Meta> (highlighted yellow):


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Messages Version="3">
  <Root File="Envelope.Config"/>
   <Message Type="ORDERS" File="ORDERS.Config" Description="Purchase order message"/>


4.Open ORDERS.Config and change the value of the root element's Version attribute from 2 to 3.

5.Add <Format standard="EDIFACT"/> (the actual value depends on the EDI standard) after </Meta> (highlighted yellow below).

6.Change <Group name="Message"...> to <Group name="Message_ORDERS"...> (the actual value depends on the message type) and remove the outer group levels (Envelope, Interchange, and their segments) as shown below:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Config xmlns:xsi="" Version="3">
  <Format standard="EDIFACT"/>
  <Include href="Admin.Segment"/>
  <Include href="EDSD.Segment"/>
  <Include href="UNCL.Codelist"/>
     <Description>Purchase order message</Description>
     <!-- DELETED TEXT -->
              <Group name="Message_ORDERS" maxOccurs="unbounded" info="UNH - Message header">
                 <Segment ref="UNH"/>
                 <Segment ref="BGM"/>
                       <Segment ref="UNT"/>
    <!-- DELETED TEXT -->


If your mapping was open while you were editing the configuration file, the mapping must be reloaded. The connections will change automatically from Message to Message_ORDERS.


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