Altova MapForce 2025 Enterprise Edition

Mapping: Sources and Targets

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In MapForce, source and target are essential terms that refer to data structures from which or to which data is mapped, respectively. Technologies that can be used as mapping sources and targets are listed below.


MapForce Basic Edition


XML and XML Schema


MapForce Professional Edition


XML and XML Schema

Flat files, including comma-separated values (CSV) and fixed-length field (FLF) format

Databases: all major relational databases

Binary files (raw BLOB content)


MapForce Enterprise Edition


XML and XML Schema

Flat files, including comma-separated values (CSV) and fixed-length field (FLF) format

Data from legacy text files can be mapped and converted to other formats with MapForce FlexText

SQL Databases: all major relational databases

NoSQL Databases

Binary files (raw BLOB content)

EDI standards

JSON files

Microsoft Excel 2007 and later files

XBRL instance files and taxonomies

Protocol Buffers

PDF files based on PDF templates created in the PDF Extractor (can only be used as data sources)


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